Search results for "t'appash, t'appashi"

t'appash, t'appashi n leaf Galjin t'appash xoch'ooyow. There are a lot of leaves on the ground. Seepe' na' mi'in t'appashi. I'm going to tear the leaf soon.

'alk'ik'in, 'alk'ik'ni n yellow Al'alkaxon' k'oti' 'alk'ik'in 'op sipin' hidya'an. The big yellow sun shines over them all. Heley'an' shokow' alk'ik'ni t'appashi, walxom 'eelawi. The wind is carrying the yellow leaves, past the flower. (sem. domains: - Cowardice, 4.1.2 - Types of people, 5.4.4 - Care for the teeth, - Tooth, 2.5.2 - Disease.)

yoloowit, yolowta' v gather something (cf. collect, pick, harvest) Yoloowit na' bayna. I gathered up some acorns. Yolowta' na' t'appashi. I gathered up the leaves.

huuya', huuya'an n caterpillar Balash'an' huuya' t'appashiw. The catterpillar crawled on the leaf. Xatta' Sandy huuya'an. Sandy ate huuya.